I first saw the work of Brazilian artist, Frederico Birchal, in 2013. He had just introduced his 'Famous Costumes' series, which looked at the outfits of famous celebrities. It was such a unique, creative idea and the graphics were amazing as well. Fast forward to 2015 and Frederico Birchal is back with another amazing art series called 'Famous Movies & TV Shows Setting'. In this series, Birchal has recreated architectural elevations from famous films and television shows. 

In an exclusive interview with Interiors, we talked to Frederico Birchal about his art and his latest series. 

INT: Your series, Famous Movies & TV Shows Settings, looks at Architectural Elevations from various films and TV shows. What made you want to capture the facade of these spaces?

FB: In my work, I always try to get people to pay attention to the details, specifically, objects that nobody notices. My latest series wasn't any different. I tried to show the maximum amount of details for various movie locations. These locations have a great expressiveness and they are where many things take place. Each place is a thought out location so the audience can recognize it as part of the movie. I think they are extremely important and the details cannot go unnoticed. 

INT: Some of your earlier work covered famous costumes/outfits and even famous vehicles. Now that you've examined Architecture, is there another area that you'd like to explore?

FB: Every object that represents something serves as an inspiration to me. Because of this, I want to explore other areas, but I do not know what my next series will be. Recently, I have been thinking about alternative transportation devices, such as the Tardis from Doctor Who and Pee Wee Herman’s bicycle.

INT: Your selections range from The Grand Budapest Hotel to Breaking Bad to Star Wars. Was there a process in which the Movies and Shows were selected? Which one is your favorite?

FB: The selection process consists of thinking about movies and television shows in which the locations express the plot. For example, The Grand Budapest Hotel is a movie where most of the plot happens in a specific place. After that, I think about the beauty and the details of each location. Finally, I think about things like how the public connects to each movie or television show. It’s hard to choose a single favorite, but the ones you mentioned are some of my favorites. 

INT: Will you continue this series with additional Films and Television Shows? If so, which ones are you most interested in creating next?

FB: I do intend to continue, but I still don’t know when or what I will do. I only know that it will have the house from Crimson’s Peak.

Fred Birchal is a Designer and Illustrator. For more of his work, please visit his Website and Online Store